George Brown College and The Rekai Centres recently announced their new partnership in response to the critical shortages of #PersonalSupportWorkers (PSWs) in Long-Term Care Homes across Canada and disruptions of PSW practical placements due to #COVID19.
The Rekai Centres, located in downtown Toronto, will be welcoming 46 PSW students from George Brown College into their novel Blocked Placement Model, where student groups cycle through clinical rotations under the supervision of clinical specialists. Over the last 5 years, the Rekai Centres has provided clinical placements to over 1,000 students interested in pursuing a career in Long-Term Care and this partnership will ensure that Ontario has trained PSWs that have secure employment in the Long-Term Care sector.
We are inspired by these two organizations for their forward-looking and innovative partnership to advance #SeniorsHealth in our country and province.